The Alberta government's Meat and Dairy Inspection Section is responsible for regulating red meat and poultry abattoirs, mobile butchers, mobile butcher facilities and on-farm slaughter operations in the province.
The Section is divided into 5 regions: Vermilion, Edmonton, Airdrie, Grande Praire/La Crete and Lethbridge.
Inspectors are dedicated to the safety and security of meat processed in provincially licensed abattoirs. These inspectors work directly with facility operators to ensure:
• all meat bearing the provincial inspection legend is fit for human consumption
• facilities comply with food safety regulations
• animal slaughter is humane
Slaughter inspections
Unhealthy, or even slightly abnormal, animals are identified and depending on the issue either:
• segregated for separate slaughter and special inspection, or
• not allowed to enter the human food chain
To make these decisions, inspectors draw on their understanding of meat inspection techniques, food safety risks, good manufacturing practices and applicable legislative requirements.
Humane slaughter is conducted by ensuring that animals are treated respectfully, and are stunned properly prior to slaughter to ensure that they experience no pain or distress.
Every carcass is subject to a thorough post-mortem examination, which includes a thorough examination of the carcass, head, and internal organs, including the lymphatic system. Carcasses, or portions thereof, are condemned if they are deemed unfit for human consumption because of disease or contamination.
Meat inspectors can consult the Office of the Chief Provincial Veterinarian if they require veterinary advice, or if there is any doubt whether a carcass is to be approved for human consumption or condemned. If necessary, a carcass will be held pending consultation or laboratory analysis of a selected specimen(s).
Condemned carcasses are disposed of in accordance with the Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation.
Meat inspectors also collect samples for various provincial and federal surveillance programs and food safety projects such as Brucellosis and Chronic Wasting Disease testing.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry works with Alberta Health Services (AHS) Environmental Public Health to help ensure safe food for Albertans. AHS Environmental Public Health data is available online on the AHS website (PDF, 61 KB).
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