A Look at the Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

26.12.24 04:49 AM - By nata.plet1974

A Look at the Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

A Look at the Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

Do you know what's in your beef? Most people only consider taste and tenderness when buying beef, but there are other important factors to consider, like how the animal was raised and what it was fed. In the United States, most cows are raised on industrialized farms and fed a diet of corn and other grains, but a growing number of farmers are raising cows on grass. Let’s explore the reasons behind this change and why grass-fed beef may be the smarter choice for us all.
Grass-fed beef is healthier 
Grass-fed beef has more nutrients than grain-fed beef. It's high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and many other health problems. Grass-fed beef is also high in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a type of fat that has been shown to protect against cancer and linked with weight loss.

Grass-fed beef is better for the environment
Beef production is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions. The problem is so severe that roughly half of the emissions in the agricultural industry are known to come from livestock. However, cows that are raised on grass require fewer fossil fuels and produce less pollution than cows that are raised on grain. Additionally, grass-fed beef farming uses fewer pesticides and fertilizers than grain-fed beef farming, which means less harmful chemicals are released into the environment. 

Grass-fed beef is more humane
Grass-fed livestock are able to roam around freely and graze on a natural diet for their entire lives. In contrast, cows that are raised on industrialized farms are often confined to small spaces for the last few months of their life and fed a diet that is not natural to them. These conditions can lead to health problems and a lower quality of life for the cows.

Grass-fed cattle don’t receive antibiotics
Factory farms feed their cattle with a grain-based diet that contains antibiotics. This is because a diet of grains will cause stress to a cow’s liver, sometimes resulting in abscesses and infection.  These added chemicals can be harmful to the environment, the animal, and potentially to human health. On the other hand, grass-fed cows are free from antibiotics, hormones or other such additives. When you choose grass-fed beef, you can rest assured that you are consuming a healthier and cleaner product.

Grass-fed beef at Meat Direct
As you can see, there are many benefits to choosing grass-fed beef over grain-fed beef. Not only is it healthier and better for the environment, but it also tastes better and is more humane. If you’re interested in supporting local farmers who grass-feed their cattle, we support them here at Meat Direct! Next time you're in the market for beef, consider buying grass-fed beef with us and support local farmers who are committed to sustainability.
