New to Bison Meat? Learn How to Prepare It!

26.12.24 04:54 AM - By nata.plet1974

New to Bison Meat? Learn How to Prepare It!

Are you ready to up your cooking game? If you're a chef or simply a food enthusiast looking for something new, bison meat is an incredible culinary experience that can add flavour and nutrition to a variety of dishes. But before you get started, you may want to understand the nuances of how best to prepare this unique type of meat, particularly the differences between it and its closest relative: beef. To help you out with that process, we've created this guide on how to work with bison meat - so let's dive in!

Bison vs beef
We imagine that this is the question you came here with in the first place: What is the difference between bison and beef? Bison meat, known for its rich flavour, is a fantastic alternative to beef. It's not gamey like some other game meats can be, and it cooks about one-third faster than beef due to its low-fat content. Bison meat is also known for its slightly sweet taste, making it a unique and delicious option for any meal. If you're a fan of beef, it might be worth trying bison for a change and seeing if its distinct flavour and quicker cooking time are worth the switch.

Bison burns fast!
Bison, often touted as a healthier alternative to beef, requires a different cooking technique to avoid losing its inherent flavor and tenderness. Due to its low-fat content, it cooks much faster than beef and can quickly become dry and tough when exposed to high heat. To fully appreciate the taste of bison, it's recommended to aim for a medium-rare to medium doneness. To achieve this, it's best to cook the meat over low heat, giving it ample time to cook through without burning too quickly. Though it may require some patience, the result will be worth it - a succulent, juicy bison steak that's sure to satisfy.

New to Bison Meat? Learn How to Prepare It!

Seasoning your bison
When it comes to seasoning your bison, less is often more. Instead of using a slew of different spices, simply make use of some basic staples:
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic salt
  • Onion powder
  • Worcestershire sauce.

Combinations of these few ingredients should be enough to bring out the natural flavour of the bison without overpowering it with too many other flavours. Simply sprinkle them on to taste before cooking, give the meat a quick massage to distribute the seasonings, and then let the magic happen as the bison sizzles and sears to delicious perfection.

Bison burgers
Bison burgers are a delicious twist on the classic beef burger. One of the great things about cooking bison burgers is that they are leaner than beef, giving you all the flavour without the added fat. When cooking bison, we recommend getting it to an internal temperature of 160°F. Like most bison recipes, you don't need much to bring out the flavour, so we once again recommend the usual salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce, with the possible addition of some fresh thyme. For burger toppings, you can include some onions for an extra layer of flavour. For an additional crunch, top your bison burger with some sliced pickles. Bison burgers are some of the best choices for those experimenting with bison for the first time; whatever your favourite burger toppings are, they should work well with bison's flavour palette.

Local bison from Meat Direct
We have now looked at how bison meat can be prepared for various dishes, with the key differences to bear in mind being its leaner texture and that, relative to beef, it cooks much more quickly. We spotlighted the classic hamburger as an example of a versatile dish that can be easily prepared with bison. Knowing how to season and prepare the meat is critical to producing great-tasting dishes every time. Furthermore, choosing locally-sourced organic grass-fed bison from responsible farmers will ensure you get an even better result. For all your bison and other meat needs, contact us at Meat Direct and experience farm-fresh products you won’t find anywhere else. Our team of experienced butchers has years of knowledge on different cuts of meat and marinades, so if you need any more advice on prepping your delicious bison dishes, stop by soon!
